Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Scientific Research Project.

Research project which forms part of a BSc (hons) degree in Clinical Hypnosis.

This is a really exciting opportunity to take part in a scientific research project to determine the potential of hypnosis, to increase riding confidence.
To date, little scientific research has been done in this area, although much has already been learned about  sports psychology in general - about how the way that sports people  think, and how the types of unconscious thoughts and emotions that they are experiencing, can enormously influence their enjoyment , feelings of confidence and success.
For the purpose of this research, you would be required to attend two x 2 hour sessions at -
Kennel Lane,
West Grinstead, (near Horsham)
West Sussex   RH13 8LX

Please visit my website for directions

Provisional dates are – 2nd March, 9th March or 23rd March (from  11am to 1pm)

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to help you make the changes you want in your life. I will lead you into a state of pleasant relaxation, and you will remain comfortably aware of your surroundings and in control throughout.
I have been very privileged over the past few years, to have worked successfully with horse riders from novice to Olympic level. Being able to draw on my experience as a rider, competitor and instructor has allowed me a unique advantage and insight into the challenges and difficulties faced by riders, enabling me to assist them in resolving a wide variety of issues
There are no risks involved in this research project and every measure will be taken to ensure your comfort, relaxation, and well being. 
All participants will be asked to complete a straight forward questionnaire prior to the study, and will be required to complete and submit the same questionnaire 2 weeks after the study.
If you would like to take part, please complete and return the application form by email as soon as you can. The signed consent form can be handed to me at our first session.
If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me for a chat.
Best wishes

Sherree Ginger
phone  - 01403 865338     email  -      website -