Saturday, 29 January 2011

A few inspiring comments from clients

“You made me feel much better about life & horses. Many thanks..I think I'm riding on forward again now.”     Jenny Child 17/6/2010

Hi Sherree

Hope you are well, I just had to let you know that I had the best ride ever with my daughter last night!  We had a really nice long canter through the pine woods, it was so nice, I could have gone on for ever.  So thank you for giving me back my’ where shall we canter’, instead of my, ‘I never want to canter’ mentality.
Lorraine Clipperton

Hi Sherree,
 I don’t know if you remember, but when we did the lightning process with you one of the things we focused on was Tobias not wanting to go on a school trip to Devon because of his coach sickness.
He has done a lot of the visualization that you taught him, and we did a practice trip to London as you suggested.
He went away very happily on the trip, had an amazing time doing all sorts of water based activities and then a lot of football! He was so confident on the way home he didn’t take his sickness pills all the way because he knew he didn’t need them.
Next week he has been asked to go on a school trip to Thorpe Park which is awarded to pupils who have made a significant contribution to the school and he is not at all worried about another coach trip!
Thank you again for everything, you haven’t just helped him recover from ME you have made him a much more confident person able to deal with things him self and much more prepared for life.
 Belinda  X 

Hi Sherree,

Just thought I would e-mail and say hi.

Things between me and Buster are going really well, my confidence is steadily growing and I'm really enjoying my riding.  I love spending time with him as his been a real pleasure lately.  Your name was mentioned today when I had a lesson with a different instructor as we was talking about confidence and apparently another one of her pupils has been to you and you have helped her along as well.   Suzanne (instructor) teaches the Mary Wanless / Parelli style and has helped me find a new technique in getting Buster to go forward without so much effort from myself, He did show his cheeky side though :-)  It's such a small world at times!

Buster and myself are off to camp next week so we should have lots of fun and hopefully in the new year I will be able to sort out my own transport and get him out and about to do some dressage which I would really like to concentrate on.  I'm also hoping to arrange a holiday for just the two of us down in the New forest which I think would be lovely and also be a really big boost to our relationship.

I will let you know what antics we get up to on camp.

Kind regards

Hi Sherree,

Hope you are well.  It’s not a great picture but here’s one of me on my trusty stead Buster from camp.  I have got prints of a couple of better ones and if I can get them scanned onto my computer at home I will forward them to you.  

We had a really good time on camp and Buster behaved very well.  We even made it for two rides up onto the South Downs this year with two of the girls.  It was well worth the jaunt up there and although the hill was a little hair raising we coped very well.  We only done a small jumping course but we cleared everything quite nicely and what do they say, small blocks increase to bigger ones.

Summer has been pretty good for us but I am none to aware of the fact that winter is slowly drawing upon us and I am having to keep convincing myself that there is no reason why anything should change between myself and Buster.  It’s difficult though as each time I have a wobble it tends to be in the winter so I have to keep trying to be positive, I'm sure we will get through things as we always do.  Anyway let’s make the most of what's left of the summer.

Hope you are having some fun with your young pony and you could always join camp with us next year :-)  we are already down to go.  Just need to confirm transport.

Kind regards
Caroline x                                              Caroline and Buster.JPG

Hello Sherree,
 Have just  been out for a blast on Hippo - our first proper (intentional) gallop  - and it was exhilarating for both of us!  Thank you so much for your help.  We still have a few little issues to iron out in our partnership, but at last I am really starting to enjoy riding again.
 Best wishes,
 Jo (and Hippo)